Sovereign Childbirth and Parenting Support

An alternative choice for women looking to step away from our technocratic medical system and support their families in a more traditional way.

Birth belongs to women.

For hundreds of years birth has taken place in hospital and it has slowly destroyed the sacred process of pregnancy, birth and post partum for most women in the world.

We offer something different.

Women-led care.

When it comes to pregnancy and birth, less is more. According to Nicky Leaps concept “the less we do the more we give” which summarizes the aim to support a woman’s rite of passage during childbirth.

Childbirth is a women’s rite of passage, the companion’s role is to support her as she takes ownership of it.

Being “with women” means the companion minimizes disturbance, direction, authority and intervention. The companion maximizes the potential for physiology, common sense and instinctive behaviour to prevail. The trust is placed in the expertise of the childbearing woman and the power is shifted towards the mother.

Gain traditional knowledge and wisdom from our non-medical, holistic parenting workshops!

  • Mother's Blessing Ceremonies

    A mother's blessing is an intimate gathering held to honour and prepare an expectant mother for her upcoming birth journey and to shower her with love, support, sisterhood and encouragement.

  • Baby Wearing Workshops

    Learn about the various styles of carriers on the market, how and when to wear them and the pillars of safety and ergonmoics!

  • Cloth Diapering 101

    A dive into modern da diapering options, troubleshooting common issues and a brief intro to going diaper-free.

  • Freebirth Wisdom Course

    A course focused on the physiological process of pregnancy and birth, honouring he inate wisdom and abilities a woman has to carry, birth and feed her baby.

  • Village Prenatals

    Montly group gatherings for expectant parents to connect with other local families. A different topic will be covered each session.

  • Free Breastfeeding Drop-In

    A weekly drop in on Mondays at 1:15pm for Mothers looking for support on their breastfeeding journeys.

  • Holistic "Medicine" Cabinet Workshop

    A workshop sharing traitional remedies to support you and your family at home without rushing to the doctor.

Meet your Teachers

Kristin and Laurie have been supporting women and families for over 12 years. With a combined interest in a more sovereign journey to support their own families, Laurie and Kristin have come together, serving families to help them find a softer and more traditional way to bring children into this world and parent them.

Laurie Dietrich

Kristin Heywood

“In the tradition of the wise-woman

Long before there were regulated midwives, throughout the world, a local woman was called to be with a woman in birth. She was recognized for her personal study of plants, seasons, women’s physiology, the process of birth, newborn care, and new mother care. She may have learned at the feet of her predecessor, another wise woman. In time, these women who were also healers due to their knowledge of food, herbs, ritual, and prayer were eliminated at the hands of ‘learned and religious’ men through the witch burnings and then through licensing and elimination. Much of their knowledge is lost to us forever.

Eventually, women were allowed back into the birth room by submitting to training in the obstetrical model and participating under the supervision of male physicians. There is some midwifery autonomy in some parts of the world, but it’s still the obstetrical model based on an ancient and wholly inaccurate understanding of the female experience. This is not midwifery as it exists today. It does not follow the obstetrical model or its ancient and inaccurate assumptions about our bodies and our experiences. It does not assume philosophical superiority or exert agency over our femininity. It does not demand compliance or threaten us.

Traditional Birth Companionship is not midwifery, Instead, it is a sacred path of companionship from preconception to parenting that adheres to Natural Law where one is sovereign over their own bodies and their actions are for the benefit of humankind and not to harm another. This holistic woman-to-woman care includes familiarity with accurate scientific knowledge, a deep understanding of the female experience, and years of experience and hard-won wisdom.

Technocracy, that is, the government or rule of people through the application, interpretation, and expertise of technology, has changed the childbirth experience from one of ‘labour’ and joyful anticipation to one of great fear, submission, coercion, and trauma - with no better outcomes in the last several decades. It is not benevolent.

The traditional birth companion doesn’t eschew technology, it just doesn’t replace a woman’s innate knowledge, her culture, her wishes, and her choices. It is the woman herself who chooses how she interacts with technology, if at all, and how she uses its information. The companion is there to offer additional information, encouragement, holistic approaches to wellness, and to support her increasing wisdom as she regains her sovereignty over her body, her female experience, and her family.”

— Billie Harrigan

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