Laurie Dietrich

Laurie came on the birth scene as a doula in 2020. She quickly saw that women needed more choices, more respect, and truly woman-centred care. She decided to level-up how she was showing up for women and their families by taking Billie Harrigans’ Traditional Birth Companion course (June 2024).

As an avid learner, she’s also done: Breech Without Borders’ Breech Pro, Spinning Babies’ Resolving Shoulder Dystocia, Neonatal Resuscitation, and The Trauma Informed Professional. These skills are tucked into her back pocket should they be requested while acknowledging that most of the time, birth works best when left to unfold without interference.

It’s her mission to reclaim knowledge and skills that she wants the next generation to have access to and give conscious-women choices beyond what the regulated medical system can offer.

Laurie can often be found in her garden, the woods, and outdoor adventuring with her family (including her husband of 20 years and their 3 kids ages 18, 12, and 9). She’s used to swimming against the stream as she parented according to her intuition which led her to: full-term breastfeeding, attachment parenting, practicing elimination communication, and using natural wellness modalities for her family.