Establishing your Core Birth Values for an Autonomous Birth

You hear the word Autonomy being thrown around a lot lately in the birth world. What does it mean? It means just because you are pregnant, giving birth, or recently had a baby doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be in charge of your body. It means the decisions being made are made by you and you only, or perhaps are including a partner or support person.

The definition of autonomy is - self-directing freedom and especially moral independence.

There should always be a chance for you to ask questions, get answers to your questions and say yes or no to the recommended procedure.

Keep in mind, that everything your provider suggests to you, is exactly that, a suggestion. It’s not going against medical advice by asking why and if it’s necessary for you and your baby. If they can’t reply with an answer or they don’t give you one that you agree with, you have the full right to say no and decline it.

So first things first, what are you core values when it comes to your body and your baby?

What? You don't have core values for your childbirth journey? 

That's like expecting a tree to stand tall and strong without deep roots!

In this blog post, we'll discuss the importance of knowing your rights so you can stand strong in your strength and feel in control of your childbirth journey!

So, pull up a chair, and let's get started! After all, you deserves it. ;-)

Without core values, your childbirth journey is like a tree without deep roots. It may be standing tall and strong for now, but it's not going to last long in tough times. Define your core values and make sure they are at the heart of everything you do - from education to movement. Oh & subscribe to our weekly newsletter for more tips on how to Birth Like a Warrior!

All you need is some time, a pen and paper, and a willingness to reflect on some of the Peaks & Valleys of your life that have made you into the person that you are today!

Are you ready to discover your Childbirth Journey’s Core Values?

Simply follow these 3 steps…

1. What are some of the peaks & valleys you’ve encountered in your life, up until this point? Reflect on moments where you were at your ‘best’ and moments where you nearly hit ‘rock bottom’

It is during these peaks and/or valleys of our life that our values often emerge!

Draw a big wave line on paper signifying peaks and valleys and then begin charting at least 4 peaks and 4 valleys.

What are some fears that held you back, where did you need to find courage? How can this relate to fears or struggles that are coming up through your childbirth journey?

2. Plot out at least 3 of those high-high’s and then confirm what the ‘lesson’ was that emerged from it

I’ll share a story…

Many years ago I was giving birth to my first baby.

I had desired a home birth but when my water broke there was meconium in the waters (baby had taken her first poop inside the womb) and so I was told I needed to transfer to the hospital.

At that point, I was strapped to the bed with monitors and was unable to move around freely. I felt like I was giving my power away to my provider. I felt defeated.

I decided then and there that I was still in control. That despite the medical team pressuring me and having a large group of strangers in the room staring at me waiting for me to birth my baby, I wasn’t going to fall under the pressure to get the baby out when they wanted me to.

I said no! I said wait! I spoke up and felt like I was in control again. I birthed my baby vaginally and felt very proud of myself, especially since the threat of forceps and a cesarean birth were thrown my way multiple times.

The value became “be bold” and don’t be afraid to speak up, which still stands as one of my own core values today and is a strong reason I developed my Birth Like a Warrior Program to encourage others to be bold and stand up for themselves!

3. Finally, plot out at least 3 of the really challenging or tough times that you’ve endured. Moments when you felt challenged, defeated, or in a dark place.

Something that I dealt with a few days into being a parent is I felt very alone. Like nobody understood me and I had nobody to call when I felt lost or confused.

From that emerged a beautiful value of connection over competition and comparison.

Up until that point, I had assumed that it wasn’t ok to reach out to other parents for fear that they might judge me for my feeding or parenting choices. I was so wrong because today I am so grateful I connected with those people that I learn from and lean on in tough times even to this day.

To finalize your Core Values:

Review your peaks and valleys and highlight 3-7 values that are really meaningful and that you want to preserve and maintain.

These values will inspire you, and you lead towards your Birth Vision! Just make sure to make your Core Values your own. They do not need to be “stiff” or “boring”.

They can be a reflection of your beautiful life, and written in the tone that you speak. See examples of the Birth Like Warrior values below.

These values are VERY important to the Warrior Wellness brand. Our community is a place to show up freely and share ideas, celebrate, and be yourself. That can only happen when the majority of the community embraces and trusts in what we’re building


  1. Be bold - know your rights and stand up for yourself

  2. Be yourself - you don’t need to have anyone else’s journey but your own

  3. Trust your intuition and inner guidance - this will guide you more than any coach or prenatal class ever could

  4. Show up - do the work, it’s worth it!

If you enjoyed this mini exercise, you will love the content inside of Birth Like a Warrior™ Coaching for those of you who are ready for an empowered pregnancy, birth, and 4th trimester.

Birth Like a Warrior™ is a 4-month online Birth coaching experience that will help you to feel confident, prepared, and in control of your childbirth Journey.

If you're new to Warrior Wellness™, here's the scoop:

  • Choose Private Doula and Coaching or Group Coaching, depending on how you are motivated!

  • 100% Online. Join from anywhere in the world!

  • Weekly yoga classes for your growing and changing body and mind

  • New training on the topics of pregnancy, birth and post-partum are added every single month (hosted live & you're invited!)

  • Access to industry-leading experts

  • Supportive, private online community alongside your fellow classmates

Defining your childbirth journey’s core values is the first step in building a foundation that will withstand any storm. 

So, don't wait! Start creating your core values today. And if you need help, be sure to fill out an application for Private Doula and Coaching, today >>

Get exclusive access to our free “7 Day Prepare for Pregnancy Yoga Program”. Click here to get instant access to the videos >>

Kristin xo


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