10 Life-Changing Habits for Pregnant Women
Are you a pregnant woman that is struggling to find a balance between work, life, and health?
If you answered yes, you're not alone.
Juggling the demands of work and home life can be tricky. It might feel like you work all day and come home to work all night, or that you’ll never get a real day off. It’s hard to make time for yourself at the end of a hard day at work or at home, especially if you have other kids at home or other responsibilities that demand your time.
But your health needs to remain a priority as you grow in your pregnancy! Even making the smallest of changes in your daily routine can have a big impact on your overall well-being and the excitement you feel toward your upcoming birth and new baby. Sleep better, move better and enjoy pregnancy with these 10 ideas.
Before I shifted my career as a Birth Coach and Doula, I spent many years working in the Health and Wellness Industry. When I was pregnant with my children I felt like I had the tools to continue to prioritize my health, but it isn’t always easy.
In this blog, I have compiled 10 life-changing health habits (all of which I have implemented!) for pregnant women.
Pick 1 or 2 that resonate, and see how you can start incorporating them into your own routine.
**p.s. I am not a Doctor or Certified Medical Professional, and this advice is just my personal experience. This is not medical advice.
Use a Standing Desk for 50% of your work week, get an exercise ball to sit on for the other 50%
I remember when an old colleague told me that “Sitting was the new Smoking”.
I will never forget that phrase, and whether it’s true (or not!) I do believe that most of us are sitting more than our bodies desire.
A typical day for a North American often looks like Sleeping, Sitting in their car to commute, Sitting at a Desk Chair for 8 hours, and then Sitting on the couch to watch Netflix (or some variation of this routine!). When you compare to our ancestors who were on the move hunting and gathering, you can see that our routine is totally opposite.
That’s where a Standing Desk comes in handy.
If possible, find yourself a standing workstation so that you can break up your week by sitting for mind-intensive tasks and then standing anytime you’re taking calls or doing simple tasks.
I don’t have your typical desk job but I do run my own business which means hours spent at my computer. I stand, sit on the ball, sit down in my studio, and lay down or squat… amongst other positions. It’s not necessarily your posture when you sit, it’s the sitting.
On your ball you can rotate your hips or rock them side to side. You can also bounce which can help encourage baby to go head down in your pelvis. Remember, a moving pelvis in pregnancy is a moving pelvis in labour. Pelvic mobility is ESSENTIAL to birth your baby the way you want to.
Standing energizes me, boosts my confidence, and keeps me active throughout the day, so I make sure to stand more than I sit during my week.
2. Set reminders on your phone to go off throughout the day to remind you to move!
Every 15-20 minutes, have your alarm set to go off to remind you to move. Here are some ideas:
Seated pelvic movement and thoracic movement on your ball and chair can make a huge difference! I share lots of movement ideas on my insta page here!
Stairs in your house? Go up and down 3x before heading back to your workstation.
Able to get outside? Take 10 diaphragm breaths outside in the fresh air.
Keep your yoga mat close to your workstation and jump on the mat for some cat/cows, rock backs, and intuitive movement. Move in a way that feels good for you! You could even keep some weights or bands close to the mat and squeeze in some strength training.
Dog at home? Use this time to get outside for extra walks!
Remember, it doesn’t have to be an hour at the gym or yoga class to get movement in. You can move in short 5-10 minute spurts throughout the day and those count!
If I forget to do this I usually notice my neck and shoulder might start to talk to me and that’s my internal alarm and I listen to it. It’s my cue to move my neck and shoulders around. I can confidently say that it’s a game changer if you love to be active and incorporate movement into your day, but don’t always have time for a gym or yoga session.
I’m all about efficiencies in life and staying organized when it comes to movement. If it feels efficient, effective, and awesome your body will definitely thank you later.
3. Include electrolytes in your day and prioritize water
As the universal solvent, I think we can all agree that water is extremely important. It is the primary component of all our bodily fluids and it has an incredible healing ability. Water also helps to push toxic substances out of our body, and when our body is dehydrated we begin to deal with chronic health problems. The uterus also needs to stay hydrated and when labour starts, having electrolytes close by is important. Also, Your pelvic floor likes to be hydrated!
An obvious sign of needing more electrolytes and water in your day is getting a headache.
But there are SO many other symptoms of dehydration that we need to be in tune with.
Here’s a simple questionnaire to assess whether you’re drinking enough water (or not!)
I drink at least half my body weight in ounces of water per day (go on, calculate it!) Y / N
Feeling dehydrated is rare for me Y / N
My skin is moist, soft, and plump Y / N
I carry a water bottle with me everywhere I go Y / N
When I sit at my workstation there’s a glass of water beside me Y / N
I choose water, herbal tea, or coconut water as my drink of choice throughout most of the day Y / N
Your goal is to answer YES to ALL of the above questions
Keep a large drinking glass, mason jar, or water bottle on your work station
250mL (1 cup) down the hatch before you get out of bed – prepare this in the evening before you go to sleep. Ensure to tongue scrap before you drink the water.
Set an alarm reminders on your phone to drink x amount of water by certain times of the day
Incorporate a smoothie into your day that contains water as the base, and water-filled veggies and fruits like cucumber and romaine
When you’re working out, you get extra thirsty! Try to use this time to chug back at least 2 bottles of water
Be sure you own a water bottle that makes you excited to drink more!
Add sea salt to your smoothie or water once a day
p.s. if you’re a coffee drinker, add an extra 250mL of water for every cup of coffee you drink!
The average human needs about 3L of water per day. Are you drinking enough to get through your workday with clarity and energy? (hint– most of us are NOT)
My Birth and Post Partum Doula bag is full of Roar Drink, flavored coconut water. You can get it here on well.ca or in your local supermarket.
4. Eat small frequent meals with dense calories
One of the biggest complaints I hear from my students and clients is nausea. And the problem is it’s not just morning sickness, it continues throughout the day.
Keeping your stomach from being completely empty is your best way to avoid nausea, weakness and bloating.
That might look like… (depending on your movement schedule)
7am Loaded Smoothie + toast with peanut butter
9:00am Snack of whole foods
11:00am Handful of nuts or half avocado
12-1pm Lunch
2pm Snack of whole foods
4pm Snack of whole foods
6pm Dinner
8-9pm Bedtime snack (30 minutes before you go to bed) A snack with dense calories
Ensure protein is a priority and carbs are a priority. Avoid packaged foods with tons of ingredients and added sugars. Stick with whole foods like fruits and vegs, beans, nuts, whole grains, and proteins. Avoid takeout every day, try to ensure home-cooked meals for 80% of your week.
I always suggest working with a nutrition specialist and a naturopath doctor who can advise you on the correct way to support your growing and changing body and mind through your diet. There are nutrient requirements that can be missed especially if you aren’t feeling your best in the first few weeks which can lead to deficiency issues further in pregnancy. Get on top of it early so you can enjoy your pregnancy! See my fave doc here.
5. Affirmation Hill
Do you use affirmations to build your self-confidence?
If you’re not familiar with the concept of Affirmations, they are short sentences that motivate, inspire and encourage you to take action and realize your goals. This sentence or phrase is usually repeated daily or something that you would journal or meditate on. The ones below are an example but please make sure to create ones specific to your journey. If you are training for a home birth, please include specific home birth affirmations.
According to Positive Psychology, affirmations are designed to encourage an optimistic mindset. And optimism in itself is a powerful thing. In terms of reducing negative thoughts, affirmations have been shown to help with the tendency to linger on negative experiences (Wiesenfeld et al., 2001).
I had a set of affirmations that I repeated to myself that supported the strength of my pregnancy and beyond, and after a conversation with my Coach, I found a way to guarantee that I do my affirmations on a daily basis.
She asked me if there was something I do daily, and I said that I take my dog on a walk.
She then said, Is there a hill on your walk?
Always, I responded!
That’s when the concept of Affirmations Hill was born.
Every day before and during pregnancy, each time I climbed the hill behind my house I repeated:
Pre-Pregnancy Affirmations
I am taking care of myself and preparing my body for a healthy pregnancy.
I allow myself to be loved and to create life out of that love.
I am enough. My body is enough.
I am fertile!
Every time my period comes, I celebrate my body is functioning properly.
Affirmations for First Trimester
I choose to enjoy every moment of this pregnancy, even the difficult days.
I educate myself to make the right decisions for me and my baby.
I am nourishing my baby.
I am blessed to be growing this baby inside of me.
Affirmations for Second Trimester
My body is the perfect home for my baby.
Everything I need to take care of this baby is within me.
Every week I am one step closer to meeting my baby.
I am connected to my womb and my unborn baby.
Affirmations for Third TrimesterMy pregnant body is beautiful.
Every kick is a reminder of the healthy baby growing inside me.
Breathe and know that everything will be okay.
I trust my body to guide my baby into this world.
My birth will happen at the perfect time.
Affirmations for Fourth TrimesterMy post partum body is beautiful.
I can choose nourishing my baby over household duties.
I choose to rest. I can rest, I am calm.
My baby only needs me and me only.
I am all that I seek, all that I seek I am.
6. Prioritize sleep and meditation
Choose sleep over that workout. Choose rest over that 2nd outing of the week. Choose stillness over busyness. Take a look at your schedule and see where you can cut out what isn’t necessary now and fill in with what will support your pregnancy journey.
Some think we can just continue the same life we were living before pregnancy when in fact we are becoming an entirely new woman in an entirely new chapter of life, it’s okay to let change happen.
It’s okay for things to look a little different than before you were trying to get pregnant or are currently pregnant. Life is about to provide you with a bunch of changes that will offer you that chance to make a choice.
You have made the decision to grow and raise a tiny human. The choices you make now can help you to feel stronger, more confident, and connected to your journey or the choices you make may have you feeling disconnected, in discomfort and scared.
Choose empowerment! Through holding boundaries and saying no, you are able to implement these changes by listening to your body and giving yourself that grace. It’s not the time to “keep up with the Joneses’”. You are allowed to have days of doing nothing, you are allowed to choose yourself in a time that is so sacred.
When I work with my clients 1:1 we aim to develop a daily practice specific to their growing and changing bodies and minds. We chat about when the best time of day is to work in a meditation practice. We talk about sleep and we even have a sleep coach on our team to help you learn even more ways to optimize your sleep not only in pregnancy but with a newborn too.
Sleep is the number one cause of stress in our lives. And sleep deprivation is a real thing, especially once baby comes. Don’t let this be the reason you didn’t enjoy your journey.
Slow down, breathe deep, you’ve got this <3
7. Eat Whole Foods During The Workday
I’ve always been a firm believer in the saying, “You are what you eat.”
The foods we consume have a direct impact on our physical and mental health, and once you experience how incredible you can feel when you nourish yourself you can never go back!
After years of trial and error, I’ve found that certain foods actually take away my focus and brain power, whereas other foods contribute to better focus and enhanced thinking abilities.
For example, sugary snacks (like candy, baked goods, poor quality chocolate) give me a quick boost of energy, but that energy is quickly followed by a crash that leaves me feeling groggy and unfocused and frankly feeling like crap.
On the other hand, foods like eggs, cashews, peanut butter, smoothies, salmon, and avocados actually have been shown to improve cognitive function.
These healthy fats help to protect the brain from age-related declines in memory and thinking abilities.
So, next time you’re feeling sluggish or struggling to concentrate, take a look at your diet—it could be the root of the problem.
8. Use Supplements for Focus and Flow State
Speaking of the phrase “you are what you eat” I also like to remind myself that “you are what you eat, digest, and absorb” and not all foods are absorbed equally.
This is why I supplement my diet with a few key nutrients and herbs, especially in pregnancy and postpartum.
On a daily basis, I take a Multivitamin, Omega oil, Zinc + Elderberry, prebiotic, raspberry leaf, and vegan collagen. These support my baseline nutrient needs and help me avoid any potential deficiency. In pregnancy, these change drastically and this is why it is essential to seek an expert to help support your diet. Are you local in the area of Georgetown, Ontario? My favorite Natural path Doctor is Meghan Boucher at Cornerstone Health.
I also use Arbonne protein and supplements which guarantee me daily 20+ vitamins and minerals in the protein and clean vegan ingredients all with the earth in mind. Arbonne is a B Corporation which means they choose the planet over profit. This is important to me when choosing products that I bring into my home.
Keep in mind that all Prenatal vitamins are not alike. I never recommend my clients to take prenatal vitamins from your local grocery store or even at all. I refer them to Meghan (local Naturalpath Doctor) who then helps them with their diet as well as, if needed, approved homeopathics that can support their specific journey. I myself never took any particular prenatal vitamin as I aimed to get what I needed by the food I consumed.
9. Schedule a Self-Care Day
Anyone who works, may feel like ‘you can never take a day off’ or that ‘you don’t deserve a mid-day appointment’.
After all, there's always more work to be done! At work or in the home!
However, burnout is a real danger for pregnant women, and it's important to take some time for yourself on a regular basis to make sure you don’t reach the point of complete exhaustion.
To support your overall health, schedule some "me time" into your week, even if it's just an hour or two each day.
Use that time to do something that makes you happy, whether it's getting acupuncture, going for a hike with a friend, or taking a prenatal yoga class.
You'll come back to work and home feeling refreshed and ready to take on whatever challenges come your way.
These days, I make sure to…
meditate for 60 minutes per day
schedule 20-60 minute workouts and yoga classes 5x per week
book a 60-minute self-care appointment each week (acupuncture, massage, facial, naturopathic doctor, holistic therapist)
Immerse in a 30 minute nature walk every day
Meal prep and freeze hearty meals for the week
My life is no good if I am unwell physically and mentally, so I really try to prioritize my health and self-care.
10. Be Adventurous
When I think about what brings me a lot of joy in my life, even when I’m going through a challenging pre or post natal phase , it always comes down to adventure!
Letting loose and adventuring through the ravine down the street from me!
Whether I have time for just a short adventure, a nature walk by the river, or a longer adventure, a hike up to a historic landmark. I know that it is while adventuring that I am most clear, most alive, and most energized to create for my own personal journey and also the Warrior Community.
That’s why I always prioritize an adventure, regardless of the weather.
For you, it might look like booking a vacation or doing something else spontaneous like driving somewhere you’ve never been and going out for dinner. Anything that gets you out of your regular routine is the goal.
Stepping into the strong, capable birthing women you have inside you takes hard work, dedication, and time.
But it’s also important to make sure you take care of yourself along the way.
These 10 health habits for pregnant women have changed my life in numerous ways and I can’t praise them enough.
What are some of your favorite health habits? I’d love to know.
Thanks for stopping by, Warrior!
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