5 Things To Consider When Your Trying to Conceive a Baby
Trying for a baby can be simple or it can be incredibly complicated.
I’m sharing 5 things to consider when you're trying to conceive a baby.
5 Things to Consider When Trying to Conceive a Baby | The Warrior Birth Method
Why does fertility look so different for so many? Why can it be so easy for some and so challenging for others?
In this blog post we are going to explore a few ways trying to conceive a baby has become complicated and how we can simplify it a bit.
Let’s get into it ⬇️
Pillar #1 - Have you considered your Birth, your Mother’s Birth, your Grandmothers Birth, etc?
When you are created, your Mothers egg has mitochondria inside of it, hundreds of thousands of them. They become a part of your genetic code as you begin to grow. The mitochondria from the sperm don’t usually transfer over to the egg, this is how we know we are linked to the women in our lives through the womb.
If the birth stories in your womb, which is your spiritual uterus, are linked to medical trauma. If they are linked to disempowering births and abusive post partums. This too could be the reason you have a blockage of energy around your womb.
If you know the stories, sit with them. Sit with how you feel about them. Then create a practice that you can release them. To allow for your own unique birth story to unfold.
If the stories were empowering, wonderful. Lean into that energy. Pull strength from all the mothers before you.
If you don’t know the stories. Ask. Then manage how you feel accordingly.
Pillar #2 - Have you considered your own selfs baggage?
What are you holding on to? What is holding you back?
What illusions have you created about yourself? about your journey? That is simply made up in your mind. That hasn’t even happened yet.
What chains have you put up around your heart?
If your first thought was “I don’t have any”, you have some work to do.
Find a practice you can turn to. One that allows you to connect deeply to yourself. To see who you truly are. Not the car you drive. The clothes you wear. Who you are to the core of your being. Start moving through some stuck feelings and emotional baggage that could be holding you back from conceiving.
Start speaking to yourself as you speak to your best friend. Start loving yourself like you love your partner or mother.
This journey is sacred and the mother should be held and honored through all of it. and it starts with loving yourself and all of your imperfectly perfect pieces.
Pillar #3 - Have you considered your diet?
I cannot bring this up enough with everyone I speak to about fertility. Unfortunately, it’s not common knowledge about the toxins in our foods, and people are very easily persuaded by clever marketing and packages.
It’s so essential to read labels if you are eating packaged foods. For many of my clients, I suggest avoiding packaged foods altogether (once in a while is ok) but not a regular thing as they are often packed with sneaky ingredients like sugar and sodium and cancer-causing agents that they don’t even need to put on the label!
It’s a very sad truth about our food these days. The best we can do is eat a variety of whole foods. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts are an easy way to get nutrient-dense foods in you so you stay fuller longer and aren’t tempted to snack on less nutrient-dense items. For fertility a balanced diet with choline, folate, iodine, proper protein intake, and magnesium amongst other essential nutrients is essential.
Supplementing is almost essential these days even if you do eat a variety of foods due to the fact that our soil sucks. I don’t think we need to supplement everything but I do believe there is something that could help everyone.
If you work with a naturopath doctor they can look at your diet and make suggestions for supplements. A good doctor will help you figure out how to get it from your food as well though. As a Traditional Birth Companion, I could suggest herbs and tinctures that can support your journey.
Pillar #4 - Consider doing a deep dive through all the products in your home.
Theres only a few products I trust out there for my family and myself to use and consume. I’m talking cleaning products, laundry, dish soap, makeup, skin and body care, essential oils and protein.
Once doing the work into the products you are using, you would be surprised how many of them are actually wrecking havvock on your hormones.
This makes it hard to measure cervical mucus, track your cyles and balance your hormones with foods when they are so out of wack.
The only products I use in my home are Arbonne, Doterra, Young Living, Shaklee and Norwex. And say no to fluoride!!!!
These companies pride themselves in sustainability, some of them are B Corporations which means they choose planet over profit. They don’t use any toxic chemicals. They don’t harm the environment. These are all things to consider when choosing your products. A lot of items purchased from your local grocery store can’t be trusted. There are a few brands in the green aisles that I will purchase but only in an emergency situation where I can’t wait for an order.
Companies don’t need to put all the ingredients on the label. There is no law for that. Unfortunatly, we have to do all our own investigating.
Pillar #5 - What’s next? Tune into Joy
Stop dwelling over it. Stop making it the only thing on your mind.
I get it. I’ve been there. Always wondering. Always wishing. Obsessing over it
Try and transcend that energy into being in the moment. Into being present in the now. Surrendering completely to the unknowns so you can experience Joy again.
Be present. Feel gratitude for all that you do have. Fill yourself with oxytocin, the love hormone. Live your life like you would if you weren’t trying for a baby. Focus on you. Focus on becoming the best version of yourself. At the peak of your health. Stronger than ever before.
There you have it. My 5 things to consider when trying for a baby…
Please know a lot of evidence-based information is old and outdated. Iron supplements, prenatal vitamins, and ultrasounds are proven to cause infertility and loss. Please do your research before taking any supplements and interfering with your body’s natural abilities. Fertility and birth are best left alone to happen on its own with only support where the mother requires it.
This is not medical advice, I am not a medical practitioner. I offer non-medical education for you to make informed decisions. I am a non-medical Birth Companion, companioning with you to bring your baby earthside in the softest way possible.
If you feel you want more support, don’t hesitate to connect with me via Instagram or you can learn more about working with me on my website.
🚨 Before You Go!
Are you ready to surrender to the unknowns of your journey?
The Birth Like a Warrior Method™ is here to help you make that dream a reality.
Thanks for taking a minute out of your day to hang out in the Warrior Universe!
When the time is right, here are a few ways to work together…
1. Looking to connect with other locals who are also on a fertility journey? Join our monthly Fertility Group here.
2. Practice with me weekly in my Womb Focused Yoga for Fertility, Pregnancy, and Post Partum class. Learn more about this powerful class here!
3. 😊 Work with me one on one! If you’re looking for a Birth Companion, I’ve got a few spots to take on private 1:1 clients who are in pre-conception and looking for a more holistic approach to their fertility journey Connect with me here